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TEEY , Group9 (:
Tiffany , Elicia , EngHwee , Yvette (:
Part A : Elicia , Enghwee , Tiffany , Yvette
Part B : - Post pictures and captions : Yvette , Tiffany , Elicia
- Grouping Photos : Tiffany
Part C : Yvette
Part D : Tiffany , Yvette ( edit )
Part E : Elicia
Overall Photographer : Elicia and Enghwee

August 2011

Credits to who ? <:



Do not harm MOTHERNATURE ):Stop littering and walk to the bin to throw rubbish <:


The Designer + TEEY ,+ Wikipedia.com

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Conservation efforts at Jurong Lake Park (:
     Conservation efforts by the Authorities and Park Management Officials can be seen. Such as putting more rubbish bins and recycling bins around the park to stop Park Users from littering in the park or in the lake. They had also put up signs that tells us to not litter and what we should not do at the park and in the lake. They did this is to stop Park Users from littering and harming Jurong Lake Park's biodiversity. Despite all these reminders and signboards, Park Users still litter the park and even fish at places where they are not suppose to. I think that the Authorities and Park Management Officials should do more to raise the awareness of Park Users. Though they are doing their part to safeguard the environment , it is still not effective enough to refrain these people from harming the environment . Instead of simply putting more bins around to prevent littering, they can fine Park Users who litter so that they would not dare to litter again and I believe that this will be more effective than simply putting more bins around the park. They can also block up those parts that allow Park Users to fish illegally such as the exposed waters near the jogging path, so that they can only fish at those parts which had not been blocked up and is legal. They can also fine Park Users who fish illegally at inappropriate places so that in order to prevent unnecessary expense, they would fish at legal parts such as the jetties. Lastly , they can have a daily inspector to inspect things happening in JURONGLAKEPARK , so that he/she can fine whoever is doing that that they are not suppose to do .

TEEY , <3 06:52


The cleaners left the rubbish bag on the road . This is an impact on the park . It will lead to lots of pests , making the park environment incondusive for parkers to enjoy . Also if cars pass by , the rubbish will be moved to the centre of the major road .

Humans litter the cigarette butt in the bush . It might catch a fire , damaging the trees and plants living there and also destroys the habitat where the animals live . Thus , their population will decrease . Also making the air we breathed in bad . Parkers came to the park to breathe in fresh air but if there is a fire , it will cause air pollution , causing humans to have a higher percentage of lung cancer . Thus , the number of parkers will be decreased and there is no more reason why the park should still be there .

Humans are trying to clear and burn large areas of trees to get wood or to provide land for farming or buildings of cities . As a result , the habitat of many species of animals are lost and so their population will decreased . So, parkers cannot really see the different kinds of animals in the park . And so , when the trees are removed, it removed lesser amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and produce lesser amount of oxygen for us to breathe . Furthermore , there are air pollution ,so , humans will have a higher percentage of having breathing difficulties . Also there will be lesser number of students coming to the park for their science lesson or learning trips because they cannot really see many species of animals and trees.

Humans fished at the park as their pasttime or as a kind of hobby or sports . As they keep fishing ,the number of fishes in the lake will keep decreasing , making it more endangered as feared of being extinction .

It might be the fishermen's doing or the polluting water done by humans . The fishermen
fished them out from the sea and leave it on the grass and a few hours later
then the throw it back into the the lake but the fish had already died . OR
As many litters humans can throw into the lake , causing water pollution and when the fish drank the contaminated water , they will die as a result .                                                                                             

Therefore in conclusion , we really hope that people who visited the park should do their part in taking care of the plants and animals there , as they are the helpers of this environment that we are living in . Doing our part is our responsibility and we should also remind our friends and families that they should not do things that harms the organisms in the environment especially when they are visiting parks as there are many hidden organisms around , and maybe one small little action that we do might destroy their habitat . Example , littering . We should always take the initiative to walk to the dustbin and throw our litters there , instead of littering to the ground . Walking a few steps is also counted as an exercise to keep one healthy . It is an advantage to both the people and the organism . Please do your part in saving the environment !

TEEY , <3 05:51

Sunday 21 August 2011

PicturesTime (:
                                      #1 , bag of rubbish found on the road ,
                                     the cleaners should not put it on the centre
                                     of the road where cars are driving pass .
                                        #2 , Beehive , also known as Apiary. The habitat of bees
                                      #3 , Benches, For people to sit on and
                                           admire the beautiful scennery of JLP and to rest after
                                     #4 , Bird Nest Ferns , also known as Asplenium Nidus
                                         in the family Aspleniaceae .They grow in a tight ,
                                         nest-like clump with a lingulate leaf  rosette and are
                                         usually epiphytic , growing in trees.
                                    #5 , Cigarette Bud , Litters should be thrown
                                      in the bin after stepping them instead , esp. cigarettes , as
                                     it might burn the trees and causes air pollution if it catches
                                     a FIRE .
                                     #6 , Deforestation is the removal of stands of trees.
                                         It therefore harms the trees of the park as
                                         it is a human activity that harms
                                        the park as it causes air and noise pollution 
                                        and it destroys the habitat of the organisms living there ,
                                        Thus, causing their population to decrease.
                                     #7 , Deforestation , another photo of it .
                                    #8 , Deforestation , another photo of it
                                     #9 , Duckweeds ,also known as bayroot. They arose
                                          from the arum or aroid family, Araceae. It is normally
                                          known as the subfamily , lemnaoideae . The kingdom
                                          - Plantae, the Order -   Alismatales , 2 unranked -
                                           Angiosperms and Angiosperms . The genus : Spirodela ,
                                           Landoltia ,Lemna ,Wolffiella and Wolffia .
                                     #10 , Fishing , Human activity that harms
                                         the fish in the lake . The population will decrease as
                                         people keeps on fish for them to earn a living , eat it or
                                         treat it as a recreation pastime.                                       
                                     #11 , Home of some unknown organisms
                                     #12 , Bicycle(huaman activities) , it shows
                                          that some people have been cycling in
                                          the park . It brings no harm to the environment as
                                         does not make any air or noise pollution . They are
                                         also known as a mean of transport , a kind of sports
                                         and recreation.
                                   #13 , Jogging ( huaman activities ) , jogging
                                        does not harm the environment of the park . It helps to
                                         increase fitness with less stress on the body than from
                                         faster running.
                                      #14 , Signages have been
                                         given clearly that none of these should be
                                         done in the park . It means that the PUB will not take
                                         any responsibility if you are to bear the consequences.
                                     #15 , Lighter , It should not be littered as
                                         it might explode and harm the trees nearby .
                                         We found it just below a tree . The person who threw
                                         the lighter is very inconsiderate .
                                         It consists of a metal or plastic container filled with
                                         a flammable fluid or pressurized liquid gas so it will catch
                                         FIRE easily .
                                        #16 , A dead fish found in a polluted water. It might be
                                         the polluted water that it drank to have caused its death
                                         or  the fishermen's doing . As they fished it out and a few
                                         hours later then put it back into the water . There were
                                         many houseflies surrounding it . It should have died for
                                         days where no one noticed it.

                                     #17 , Apple snail eggs , found near the lake ,also known
                                          as Ampullariidae for the apple snail name .
                                         Kingdom- Animalia , Phylum-Mollusca ,                                          
                                         Class-Gastropoda , Family- Ampullariidae ,
                                         Superfamily -Ampullarioidea and 2 unranked
                                          -clade Caenogastropoda and informal group
                                          Architaenioglossa .

                                     #18 , Tree Trunk with many holes , it might
                                       be disturbed by termites, also known as Isoptera.
                                     #19 , Another Littering of a beer bottle . It will harm the
                                          small animals living inthe habitat as if the glass shattered
                                          into millions pieces , it might injure the animals' small
                                          bodies , making their movement uneasy.
                                      #20 , Another littlering of a plactic bag . If there is a wind,
                                         the plastic bag might fly into the water . Some aquatic
                                         animals might think it is their prey and eat it , eventually ,
                                         died due to the chemicals in the plastic bag .
                                     #21 , Murky brown water , it shows that the
                                        water is dirty . it might be the rain that
                                        washes the mud into the water , causing
                                        it to turn murky brown . The cleaners should wash in
                                        a while so that the environment will be more condusive
                                        and safer for the animals to live in .
                                     #22 , Leaves all around , it show that the
                                         sweepers do not come all day to clean
                                         up the leaves , therefore , making the ground
                                         filled with leaves . If the leaves fall on the pathway ,
                                         it will blocked the parkers way and it is very disturbing
                                         for them . Some might even contain dangerous insects
                                         and bringing harm to the parkers .
                                     #23 , Rubbish bins to put different rubbish ,
                                        Since rubbish bins are provided , why
                                        are there still litters around ? Even if there
                                        are rubbish bins around , people will still
                                        litter as they are lazy to walk to the bins .
                                     #24 , Rubbish bins are found almost everywhere .
#25:Unclear water , it shows that the water
                                              is dirty and tourist might have a bad image
                                              towards JLP when they come and see this
                                              dirty lake .

                                     #26 , Red ants, also known as Solenopsis xyloni. Maybe they are finding food to            
                                              bring home for their young.
S. conjurata
S. daguerrei
S. fugax
S. invicta
S. molesta
S. richteri
S. solenopsidis
S. wagneri
S. xyloni

                                       #27  Hole suspected to be disturbed by
                                         earthworms . Also known as megadriles
Scientific classification
Burmeister, 1837
                                      #28 Molted bee found on the bark of a tree. Classified by the
                                             unranked taxon name Anthophila. It is most likely a honey
                                          bee as it can obtain nectar needed to make honey easily from
                                           the many flowers that can be found in JurongLakePark.
                                           They are also known as Apis mellifera linnaeus. Order:

An unknown flower found near the lake.

A coconut found in one of the drains. May have dropped 
in by accident when it fell from the tree. It's scientific name 
is Cocos nucifera

A palm tree. Its bark looks like it has been eaten away, most 
likely by termites as they like to eat wood. Termites are know
as Isoptera

Unknown tree found growing near the lake. Has some
ferns growing on it.

During this trip to the JURONGLAKEPARK , i realise that there were actually alot of different species of organisms in the park . Normally , we would only run our 2.4km there and would not notice the organisms living there . But , soon after the trip , i realise that JURONGLAKPARK is the habitat of uncountable organisms , example : Apple Snail , Worms ( earthworms and many more ) , Fishes and many more . On  picture 17 , it shows the eggs of the Apple Snail , therefore we can conclude that the Apple Snail live there . Lastly , we think that we should protect these species of organisms by doing our part , making sure that no harmful human activities can harm the habitats of these organisms . (:
This is the end of our pictures taken , thankyou (:

TEEY , <3 05:00


GroupMembers REFLECTION (: Flora and Fauna ~

Yvette : I think that JurongLakePark is a nice park to visit. It is because you can get to enjoy its nice scenery and it is also filled with living organisms as it is their habit. Due to the many human activities going on that may harm the park , the population of these organisms are decreasing. Therefore , we are trying our best to stop these human activities form going on furthur. Examples of these human activities are : Deforestation , Littering and many more. In order to prevent the populations from decreasing , we can raise awareness to the public and ask for their help.

Elicia : When our group went to Jurong Lake Park on the 18th of August, we saw many human activities such as, jogging, fishing and cutting down of trees. Despite all these activities,  we were still able to see some interesting plants and animals such as the Bird's Nest Fern and even Eggs of an Apple Snail. We saw many litters at the park and even saw some park users who go there to fish, littered their bait onto the grass. When we arrived at the park, we were able to hear the sounds of crickets, but was soon gone when we came closer to take pictures. There were even bodies of dead fishes floating above the water near the path. It was saddening to see so many park users litter the park, we should do our part and raise the awareness of the public and we hope that they understand that what they are doing now is harming the biodiversity of the park.

Tiffany : It was an eye-opening to me as I saw many different kinds of organisms that i have not seen before : like the Apple snail eggs which were pink and a moulting bee . Also , we saw many human activities taking place in the park such as cycling , fishing and reconstruction on some areas of the park . We took many photographs for the trip to treat it as a momento and also for our biology project . I felt disgusted when i saw a dead fish floating on  the surface of the water and with houseflies all around its body . I supposed it was because of the polluting water or some inconsiderate fishermen . We also found lots of rubbish in the water and on the ground . This is called water pollution and land pollution , it is a great harm to the biodiversity of the park . I hope many will change their bad habits and make the park a better environment of us to enjoy and for organisms to live . This trip has truly help me learn a lot of things like the human activities taking place , organisms which were harm , the trees living there and etc and if there were more of this , i will surely participate in it .

EngHwee : After the trip to JurongLakePark, I found out that there was not much animals living in JurongLakePark. Even the squirrel we saw when we ran our 2.4km was gone.Not even a sign of squirrels were found.We also saw people fishing at  JurongLakePark. I think they should not be allowed to fish as the the fishes are also a source of food to other animals.Perhaps other animals disappeared from the JurongLakePark because of people fishing.I hope you will come to realise that animals are disappearing and the animals need our help to keep the environment conducive." If I am JurongLakePark , will you protect me ?" (:

TEEY , <3 00:36

Saturday 20 August 2011

Introduction of JURONGLAKEPARK (:
JurongLakePark is a park filled with many living organisms and is also the habitat of it. The park is also a good tourist attraction to many tourist as it has a nice scenery and many can also participate in watersports there. JurongLakePark is also freshwater lake and reservoir located in the western region of Singapore. The lake serves as a reservoir contributing to the water supply of the country.The lake is surrounded by parkland, which serves as a recreational ground for nearby residents in Jurong East and Jurong West New Towns.A landscaped sanctuary called Jurong Lake Park was built around the perimeter of the lake and work was completed in January 2006. Also, a 2.8 kilometre water promenade along Jurong Lake Park would allow residents to participate in watersports.The water is noted to be green in colour during dry weather and a murky brown after a downpour.

TEEY , <3 22:24